chapter 1

� Are You Sure That You willBe able to kill me ? Because If You are not , Then remember I am Notgoing to fail for that. I will KillYou ForSure.

I Don�t Want To Kill You ,I want To Save you and this World From What areyou Doing. You Know Without each Of us we won�tbe able to stop him you have to comp/p>romiseand help me out we don�t have much time.

Fool You Think I will Help You , after what I have passed through for that man. I won�t and you will Die On My HandsToday.[After Summoning His devil Axe He Said ]

YouWill Get that You Deserve Brother comeon.[The Sword Appeared On his hand]

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HelloThere I Am Kai Yamazaki I�m a student Iam 19 Years old .

I live in Kyoto with my Grandma. I don�t have My Mother But Granny Told Me about my father though.

IfYou ask meyeah it�s Pretty Cool to Have anOver powered fatass bastard Father Like Him. You want to know why amI talking shit about my own father .

The answer Is That Man Never Returned To Me or My Grandma . How coldhearted a person Could be ?

Yeah I havesome Of his Powers Too. youwantsome demonstration of it? Nah let itbe why waste it.

My Grandma Told me that HeHad a reason to leave and it's better for Us And The whole world .But He could be a God or whatever but that man Won�t bemy father because I hate that guy.

GrannyI�mgoing out For College, AndI will be Returning late tonight.

Granny Ina : Ok Dear the food is on the table don'tgo without eating your breakfast and don�t Do anything Dangerous againI don�t want to hear anycomplains again.

Kai:Yeah Yeah I know I know don�t worry.[ Kai � it�s time to go I have no time to wait

God speed.]

I cameto Know about The powersThat I Got FromHim when Iwas 10 .Grandma had toexplain to me everything. HahI won�t Forget that day when I accidentally Broke the DamnTV ,and Repairedit on myown. ? ? Ah I�m here it didn't took more than few seconds I�m still weakin using it .

Kai :Yo Izumi.

Izumi : Oh my God Kai when didyou came i didn�t saw you few secondsbefore ?

Kai:You wereSleeping Dummy .That�s why .

IZUMI asksfrom behind who the hellareyou texting to . Kai ^_^ ehnoonejust one of my friends .

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�Izumi : Stop Joking Like You Are a ghost. NowGo to your Seat.

� Kai : Yeah Yea stop ActingLike Your My mom. [� After Class Outside of College Building, Kai Was Preparing To go home,Suddenly He Notices SomeLoud Noise from backyard. HeRan To The Field and saw that There Was A body on the yard, and One of hisclassmates Wereshouting for help. Kai ranTo him but suddenly He Feel somekind of Pressure and Presence ofsomeone.�]

� Kai:Hey Ryumi whathappenedhere ? What happened to Keita?

� Ryumi : I don�t know I was going home too but I heard sound of loud screaming ! I ran Here as soon as possible but I was too late.

� Kai: Ok Don�t Worry JustCalmdown calm down a little bit. Nothing has happened to him let me see andyou go and bring some water go.

�RyumiRuns Towards The Tap togetsome water ``.

� Kai: It Looks Like someonewas Trying to finish Him Off. Who or what was that thing He mighthave he just played with himhe didn't killed him but he could then why , but whyI don�t get it . [ when Kai washolding Keita's neckhe sawa deep circle mark around his neck ]

� Kai Took his hand gloves offthen put his Hand To his Chest he spoke out " My Lord give me the power to Helpmy friend onyour mercy ''Soul Rebirth '' .Ina second KeitaStarted coughing.Then he opened His eyes

� Kai:Hey Keita how are you feeling rightnow ? Can u see me hey Keita ?

� Keita : KaiIs That You � he opened Hiseyes Kai Why Did You Tried To KillMe what have I done wrong . We were Best Buddies�Keita looks at kai�s face . Kai was Shocked what his friend told him . [? Meanwhile Ryumi a returns with bottle of Water .She looks at Keita and grabshiminto her arms. ]

� Ryumi : Keita are you alright ? What actuallyhappenedhere with you can you tell us ? � Keita WasStill looking at Kai .

� Kai:Ok Then can you Stand up ? Ryumi should we take him to the hospital then Keita spoke out loud �No no Need I am fineyou didn�t answered my question Kai. Suddenly Keita Started to fall on the groundshe grabshis head with one hand .

Ryumi:You can ask him whatever you want Keita , he isn�t going anywhere first let me take you to home you need some rest.

�When Ryumi Was Taking Keita To His Home Keita was consistently askingKai Why Did He Do This To Him .But Kai Was Speechless.AfterThey Took ataxi they went to keta's home , But Kai was still sitting on his knees on the ground .After some Time He stands up and Starts To Walk Forward to the mainGate .But This WasThe Shockingmoment forHim when He Saw something which? � Kai: Wait Is this Some kind of jokefrom anyone or � Kai was thinking about it after he reachedhis home too � He Rang TheDoor Bell . Granny Ina Opened The Door For him.

� Granny :What Happenedwhy are you lookinglike a dead man ,Did youdo Something Wrong again Kai?

� Kai: Nothing HappenedCan You leave me for a bit granny ? I Need sometime alone �� Kai puts His Bag on the Sofa and then enters Hisroom...

Point tobe noted : TheSoul Rebirth is Agifted power to kai �that could revive or restore any creatures soul that has been harmedor has been on the name of his belovedlord. The oppositeof �Soul Burst�.

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After Fewhours ' Kai 'gets out of his room

Granny Ina : Kai are you feeling well ? Should I makea glass of milkfor you ?

Kai : No need . Granny I have something to ask .

Granny:What do you want to ask me ?

Kai : Granny You said tomethat man is never going to comeback to us right but today I felt something it was somethingr eally bad . Theworst part is its almostthesame as you said thatmanhas. [ kai explainedeverything happened today to his Grandmother . She was shocked to hear allthis butstayed shut by replaying .

Grannyina : Its horribleI don�t know anything about it and I am relieved that you areunharmed . [ Said ina by hugging kai , kai remains silent. ]

GrannyIna : Kai dear the foodis ready come on . [ They finished eating but after eating kai goes tothe other room took the tv remote in hand and turned on the tv .They goesfor bed afterfinishing the night meal]

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Suddenly A fire starts burning in the middle of the city .No one had any clue how did it happened after a few minutesa huge black cloud comes up on the area .

Within afew minutes a hellwas blown tothe area lots of people was heavilyinjuredlots of shops and houses were burned int o ashes.Some ofthe oldand middle aged persons were cryingand shouting that is there be another warwill the world get des troyed thistime pleasewe don�t wantto die something likethis and the kids and other peoplewere listeningand they got more panicked

[ kaiturns the TV on and this newswas live ]

'Peoplesof the city were asked questioned they explained what happened they were sayingthat this time maybe they won't surv ivethe workers who came to ask they were inpanic. So do kai .Then suddenly Kai' got acall from one of his friends mom .

Friends Mom : Hello kai can youhear me?

Kai : Yes AuntWhat'sThe matter is everything alright ?

Friends mom : Haskeita reached your houseyes kai ? Itold him to visit you after what happened thatday he was to depres sed .He should've been reachedyour house by now.

kai: What but he didn't told me anything and did yousaw the news on TV ?

Friends Mom : YES I tried to call him on his cellbut he didn't pick my call .

Kai : OH no ! Aunt I willCall you back ok . I'mHanging the phone right Now . [ Kaiimmediately cut the call and ran to the door and Granny was shouting from behind Kaiwhereareyou going don�t go outside now it's not safe]

Kai : Granny I haveto lookOut for Keita I Willexplain everythingwhen I Return. [ Kai left ] .

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� " Kaiwasanxiousabout his friendhe wasrunning wild withoutknowing . HE closed his eyes then he startedto seeing things he saw a car has been turned UP _ DOWN inthe middleof road and he saw Keita is into thatcar all peoples are running wild t rying to save theirown lives .. And a Dark Entity is closing on Him. � >> Kai : I Haveto reach him fast . "GOD SPEED " [ Keita SHOUTING for Help ]. � >> Keita : Help Is anyone here , who are you don�t you dare comeany closer stay there you freak . � >> The Dark Entity : OH Isthat so ok but what willhappened if I came closer and closer . [ The Dark entity comes tothe ca r andgrabs Keita by his Throat ,keita starts fading .Suddenly he heard a voice Stop it 3X KaiComes at a great speedand b ump into that dark entity Keita Falls to the ground. The dark entity starts to fade kai rans to Keita to see is he harmed badly , hesawthat keita was badly wounded then he starts to healing himbut not for long ] � >> Kai : Keita don't worry you will be alright . [ suddenly a dark arrow pierced through Kai's Heart.

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^^ THE FIRST AWAKENING^^ � >> Keita : KAI KAI speak Up KAI . [ Keita startsto get more frightened when he saw the Dark Entity startsto takeShape of a Human no its not a human either "" Surrounded by Dark aura dark Cloak 4 wingswhat ishe ... he fully transformed ] � I don�tneed my AXE to beatyou . KillingIS Fun isn't itBrotheratleast for someone I guess .Keitalooks at his face hew asin a shock he starts to lookon his faceand backto kai you you both are twins . Meanwhile Kai triesto stand up again K eita shouted Kai you are stillalive Iwasso '' The Boy In darkness kicks himout of the wayand thenpull him up by his shirts c ollarand starts to laugh suddenly in a second keitawas takenfrom his hand. � >> Ken : OH Ho Look who just snatch my toy. � >> Kai : IDon't know who thehell You are what do you want ,ifyou want something from me you have to takeit from myselfw ho thehell are you to hurt my friend , and nowI alsogetthe picture that why keita was reacting weird that day you youwil l pay for that. � >> Ken : OH Look at you sothe pureness of Our father is still Inside you look at the bright aura youhave look at the wings youhave but this isn'tyour fullpoweryou are still atwowinger and the mark of thepureness isn'tthere as wellas your D evine Trident HAHAHA . � >> Kai : I can beat you UP with this power I have I don't need anything else . [ KAI Reaches Ken at Godspeed he punches ken s o hard ken goes down straightly after some blow ken wasn't replaying kai grabbed his head and throw him on the carken was screaming thefight goes on for Forfew more minuteswhen kai was giving the final blow suddenly ken vanishes from his hand kai wa s stunned by the speed he looks behind him without moving his head what he saw made him even more surprised " ken wasbehind him an wasuntouched.] � >> Ken : That was a good show , you are not bad after all . I thinkI will have tokill youtoo to get that from that old hag by finishing her too but before that ..[Kai was stunned likehe was struck by a thunderstormhe started to turn around to a sk something .At the moment heturned aroundKen just punched himon his chest blood came out immediatelythe punch was so br utal black aurawas coming out from the opposite side . Then he left kai on the spot he was turningback to the black entity , just beforehe wascom not on mylevel but yet youtried and failednext timesure be prepared Iwon'tmercy you next time brother. Suddenly itstar ted to rain the blood was washedaway from his body.Both kenand keita was laying there .

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� [ Kai was having a bad dream Hesaw a Guywith maskon his facethe wingsthat aura he looks back at him Suddenly Kai starts to heara voice itkeeps getting clearerand clearer � >> Granny Ina : Kai can you hear me kai my child,kai. [ kai starts to open his eyes ] � >> Kai : Granny isthat you ? [ Kai tries to sit back ] � >> Grannyina : No waitthere is no hurry kai, let me help you. What was happened to you both of you your friend keita was a lso badly injured he was releasedyesterday they said they will be releasingyou today. � >> kai:I have lotsof question Granny I need answersnow. � >> Granny: no not now Iwill answer any question of your when we go home ok . [ But granny --- Nobut I Said , Kai wastaken home that day ]

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^^THE ASSAULT BEGINS ^^ ^^ Few Days have passed ^^ � It's almosthell outside frompast few days Dark entities everywhere peoples are running wild all thestores buildings houses were Burneddestroyeduncountable peoples were killed . Kaiwasstill intreatment but he can't stayed like this hewashav ing thatsame dream every night . Few days past the outsideworld werea little better the assaults were stopped. Kai was in his room suddenly the house startsshakingkai runs to the waitingroom to find his grandmother but he wasn't ready to see what h e saw then his granny whole house has been trashed, like someone or something was searching something . He comes dashingto his Grannyhe saw sh e was unconscious thenhe puts hishead toher forehead he saw what actually happened then he closed hiseyes something like wave flowed .Then he saw his grannywasgetting conscious. � >> kai : heavens bright Kai shouted out while raising his hand. [Suddenly A strong wingcame up with heavy rain the firew as washed away. His Grandmother was astonishedby seeing this Infront of his eyes. The neighbors started to come they was al so shocked lithe they saw amiracle happened . TheyaskedIna what happened how did this happened insidethe house . Somehow kai Managed them all byerasing there memories . Then after they were gone Kai started asking questions thathe has to his granny . � >> Kai : How did This happened granny who was here whenI wasin bed ? DO I have any Brother And whysomeone willdothis to ourhouse what they want tell meyou have to tell me . � >> GrannyIna : I seeso you do have hispowers ashe said. When I first saw you doingthat with TV I thought it may be wron gI sawsomething wrong butitwasn't was it . You hadthose powers in youbut youdidn�t told me anythingabout it . � >> Kai : I thought you will abandon me if I told you and youwill start to hate me too. I don'twanted his powers I don't wa nt tobe that guy [ kai falls down to his kneesand keepslooking at his granny . � >> Granny Ina : Nowis not the time toregret . You are not like himI also loved him so much but that daywhen he left us l eaving you to me It was forboth of yours goodhe said. I never thoughthis willhappened. You want to know everything ok I will tellyou then listen . [ It was 18 Years from now the lasttimeI sawyour father my son yesyou have abrotherboth of yo u are tweens kai and ken your names werechosen by yourmother the person he loved and for the person he is not here . Your d ad was such a whimp I monster .Thatnighthe washere hetold me to lookafter you and he took ken . He said it's for your good andothers as the other half of his power kenpossesses to be clear the demonicside . The day I saw your dad afterreturning from that war I was soshocked . But withyou he alsogive mea box sealed with his blood only someone of his bloodline can open it, ken wants to take it itcontains something expensive that yourfather also warned me to not open and if hefinds it who knows what on eart h will hebecome. I d crying all of a sudden kai hugged her and saysdon�t worry nobody is going to die. Few days later kaiwentback to collage he said to his grannylook out for anything ifsomething wrong happens inform me quic kly. Kai make outfor his collage. [ so you are going out how foolish you thinkthat barrier you gotthere can stop me hahaha ,after few minutes the bell of th e door starts ringing ] � Granny can YOU open the door please I forgotsomething ' Ina heard a voice is it kaiit's got to be him he put a barrier on s o no one can pass except him .Comingsaid Inashe opens thedoor what happened why did you returned did you missedsomething dear?